marketing idea for banana company
a banana company wants to transfer ownership of their company to the world's best storyteller on bananas. whether you can write tweets about bananas, make memes, make an igtc documentary, a viral tiktok, or all the above, use your creative and cultural strengths and platform knowledge to create some engaging banana content! you can submit one piece of content or 100, it all depends on where your creative strengths lie and what you think will catch our eye. we'd like you to actually post this content on the apps, so if that means you need to make a new account so your friends don't ask what's up with the bananas, please do so!
my idea:
"grab it!" is a story idea for an ad told using bananas. it interweaves facts about the food and through the composition alludes to innuendos that are up for the viewer to project unto the image. the red center bleeding into a fade-out is intended to mimic a thought or memory in the mind. the idea is that the viewer will see the image(s), retain it in their mind, and apply their own meaning to it. it could be a child remembering the hands reaching for the food and being moved to grab a banana at home, or an adult applying sexual connotations to the image, or a chef developing a craving for a dish with bananas. i believe it can have varied impressions and meanings. be attention-grabbing and fun.